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How to Get Rid of Septic Tank Odor in House?

How to Get Rid of Septic Tank Odor in House?

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    If you’re experiencing septic tank odors from within your home, it’s not only a nuisance, it can indicate something is actually wrong with your septic system. If you’ve begun to notice unpleasant smells, it’s so important to address this issue quickly and proactively to avoid more serious issues down the road. Here are some practical steps to help eliminate septic tank odors and keep your home smelling fresh.

    Identify the Source

    Prior to being able to effectively tackle the odor, you need to first identify where it’s coming from. Common sources include:

    • Loose or damaged seals on toilets: Check to ensure the wax seal under each toilet is intact and fully sealed

    • Dry drains: P-traps, especially in unused bathrooms or sinks, may dry out and allow gaseous substances to enter the home

    • Vent issues: Ensure all plumbing vents are not blocked or damaged

    • Septic tank problems: Being overdue for pumping, new leaks, or heavy clogs in the system may cause odors

    Solutions for Septic Tank Odors

    As you begin to eliminate possible sources of the odor and begin to identify the true cause, you can begin addressing the problem with these solutions:

    Check & Repair Seals

    When all seals around your toilets and other fixtures are tight and not allowing any gases to escape, you’re very unlikely to have an odor issue from this source. Replacing the wax ring under your toilet will often be able to solve many indoor septic odor issues, as the wax ring can become easily worn out over time, leading to leaks.

    Use Water Wisely

    Running water into all drains regularly will help keep P-traps from drying out. This creates a water barrier that prevents gases from coming back into the house. Also, be mindful of not overloading your septic system with too much water at once.


    When you have proper ventilation, you’ll be able to ensure all odors and gasses are able to escape as needed. If there happens to be some form of obstruction, such as animal nests or leaves blocking the vent pipe(s), it may cause a buildup to occur, leading to noticeable odors.

    Pump & Maintain Your Septic System

    Proactive, regular maintenance is key to preventing septic odors. When you have your septic tank pumped every three to five years, depending on use, it will keep your system in better condition. Consider having a septic tank professional inspect your septic system annually for best results.

    Add Activated Charcoal Filters

    Activated charcoal filters may be added to vent pipes to assist in filtering out gases and odors. These filters will need to be changed out regularly, based on the manufacturer’s recommendations.

    Inspect Drain Fields

    Be sure to inspect your drain field, as it could be oversaturated or blocked entirely. Oversaturated drain fields are unable to properly process septic liquid, and this could cause odors to back up into your home.

    When to Call a Professional

    If you’ve tried all of these suggestions to remedy the problem, it may be time to call in a professional. Persistent odors could indicate a serious problem with your septic system which will likely require professional help.

    Choose Wholesale Septic Supply for All of Your Septic Supply Needs

    A well-maintained septic system should not smell foul. If you’re experiencing odors, it may be a sign something is not working properly. Through following these steps, you may be able to identify the issue at hand. By keeping up with regular maintenance, you can keep your home odor-free and your septic system functioning properly. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions and we’ll be sure to help in any way we can. We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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