Call: (936)-681-8198
The Hiblow HP- 80 Septic aerator is the most popular Hiblow hp series septic air pump in the industry for use in 500/600gpd aerobic septic systems. They are known for running very quiet and being very durable in a wide range of applications and environments, including as a septic aerator and as a pond aerator. The Hiblow hp80 linear septic air pump is a compatible replacement for any 80 liters a minute (LPM) aerator in a septic application. Most septic manufactures test with the hp80 air pump even if they are not going to use it as the aerator because of its reliability and consistent performance.
Rebuild kits are available for the maintenance of this product. This product can be expected to require a rebuild after three or four years of operation, and it can be rebuilt two to three times. However, red dust building up inside the compressor may signal that a rebuild may not be sufficient.
Hiblow has proven track record of producing high quality aerators. You can rest easy knowing that your Hiblow aerator is built to last. These aerators also come equipped with industry leading safety features. Extra parts for Hiblow aerators are also well supported. This ensures that extra parts for your aerator can be fairly easily acquired.
Liters Per Min (LPM) | 80 |
PSI (max continuous Operating Pressure) | 3.6 |
Noise Level (dBA) @ 1 Meter | 36 |
Current | 1.6 A |
Rated Loading Pressure | 2.13 psi |
Weight | 15.4 lb |
Power Consumption | 71 W |
Power Supply Frequency | 60 Hz |
2 Year Warranty Covering all Manufacturer Defects
3 Year Warranty on Electrical Components ONLY
How do I initiate a warranty claim on this pump (HP-80-152)? Mine's not working and the 3-year time limit expires in a month.
Sorry to heasr that! Give us a call: (936)-681-8198 or email us at info@wholesalesepticsupply.com to start a warranty claim on your part.