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You don’t necessarily need to get your pump replaced. If this is the first time your Hiblow HP80 has stopped, all you need is the repair kit to rebuild your aerator. Hiblow air pumps need to be rebuilt about every 3 to 6 years, depending on where you live. One thing to look for is red dust in the unit; this means the magnetic rod block is getting too close to the coils. This happens when the coils get weak. It is advised you get a new hiblow air pump if this has happened.
One of the first signs your septic tank aerator needs to be rebuilt if the septic tank alarms are going off. This happens due to the pressure dropping, which happens due to the aerator not working correctly. If you are unsure if you can rebuild your aerator because of how old it is, the date is printed on the barcode sticker of the pump on the back. The first four numbers are your month and year made in that order. Anything under 10 years should be able to be rebuilt. Anything over, we advise buying a new Hiblow HP80.
Included are replacement diaphragms, chamber block, black safety screw, brand new filter, and the mounting hardware for diaphragms. The aerator repair takes about 15 minutes to do. We created a rebuild tutorial video below to walk you through the process of rebuilding the Hiblow Hp80.
I have a HP-50W-016 air pump. what rebuild kit do I use?
You can use the Hiblow 80 rebuild kit to rebuild it.
I opened up my Hiblow and found that the safety screw is broken. I don't see anything else wrong with it could I be wrong or do I just need to replace the safety screw to fix it.
There is a good chance the diaphragm is ruptured on one of the diaphragms. The screw doesn't just break for any reason. The magnet that travels back and fouth has two ridges on it they are there so if the magnet moves too far the ribs hit the safety screw and break it. The unit shuts off when this happens, so it doesn't damage itself further. You need to buy a rebuild kit to fix it has a safety screw in the kit along with a filter, chamber blocks, and diaphragms.
Will it fit the hp80-0112
Absolutely it will. This rebuild kit is compatible with all HP 80 Models as well as HP 60 models.
My pump does not have a break away screw, it has a white plastic piece that appears to slide back and forth to connect or disconnect the power. Will this kit work on my pump hp-80-0110 without the screw. Do I need to replace the white plastic piece?
Yes, the old units had a screw its not needed in the new hiblows but still included in the kit.Â
I have a HP-80-013A with an alarm. Will this kit fit it? Thanks,
yes it will fit the 013a